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Agapè had the priviledge to interview Iván Cantos, spanish artist characterized by his multidisciplinal and multitalented skills in the real sense of the word as he is a sculptor, painter, drawer and writter.


After numerous exhibitions in London, Paris an Madrid, where he exposed his latests series " Cabezas Trocadas" (Image attached), the artist is now inmersed in new creations.


He invited us to his studio to carry out a direct interview with him and at the same time be able to experience his working enviroment:



´Cabezas Trocadas´

´Cabezas Trocadas´

Group of pieces from the collection. They have distinct measures and share the condition of being built in polychromic wood. Exposed in Twin Gallery last May, 2014.

Iván Cantos

Iván Cantos

´Cabeza Trocada´

´Cabeza Trocada´

´Cabezas Trocadas´. Set.

´Cabezas Trocadas´. Set.

´Cabezas Trocadas´

´Cabezas Trocadas´

´Cabeza Trocada´

´Cabeza Trocada´

Iván Cantos

Iván Cantos

Having a talk with Agapè collective

Having a talk with Agapè collective

Work in progress

Work in progress

What is Art? Is there anyone that can define it ?


This is a question that was made 2000 years ago and to the day it hasn´t been replied. It could be when that special and ineffable emotion mixes with an indefinable vision and a reaction of consciousness emerges, this could be art. It can´t be defined more concretelly. Like Picasso said, "If I was to know it I wouldn´t tell anyone."


What do you consider being an Artist?


A fatality, it is not an election. In mi case I didn´t want to be an artist,; I studied physics as my aim was to become a scientist but in the end one always goes back to its origins, what I was really good at: painting, drawing and sculpting. They chose me. I had to fight against many insecurities but what is truly left after all is what we really are , you can´t avoid it. To have a vocation is an incredible feeling but at the same time a misfortune; it sets a path in our lifes that there is no way to escape from it. There will be social norms and expectationsthat you will need to break in order to find yourself and if you are not up for this then you will have to face the consequences..


What is inspiration?


There are gods in greek mythology that are esential to understanding the phenomenon of inspiration; Apollo and Dionysus. Apollo represents the beauty of order, the classic. While Dionysus is the creative character, the uncontrolled one. Inspiration usually comes from a collision of both forces which initially counterpose each other but deeply actually collaborate. The force of instantaneous inspiration of Dionysus is filtered through the sieve and structuration of Apollo , giving it an order. Even the great artists who where Bacchic and uncontrolled, had a sense of order in their fantastic work.


Do you think talent is a gift?


People tend to think that talent is 100% explosive and that it is a god given gift of destiny or nature. Completely false. Talent is an aptitude that you naturally have , but just like a pasture field , you have to plant, treat, polish, prune it and all the processes to flourish what nature gives us. It is like the work of an agricultor to explain it in some way. Even in the topic of the time of things, everything has a lot to do with the artistic work.


Is there any place or force that inspires you not including the structure of your performing?


I very badly do surf and I am quite good at body boarding since a very early age. Seeing and waiting for the waves for me is nearly a philosphy of life. This also refers to Apollo, Dionysos and inspiration. You have to pay careful attention tot he rythms of the sea, the waves, when the good one is coming, which one is the more convenient for me as a stronger one could be dangerous.. this inspires me. When I am in Madrid I need to be in spacious areas projecting nature, the stars.. It is necesarry to give the mind a break with silence, not thinking of art but letting ideas flow without taking them into consideration.


Last but not least, what is it you want to communicate with your latest series of work " Cabezas Trocadas"?


The theme of the human mind is something that I frequently work with. However, not the thinking mind but the thought one. In this series I wanted to step away from the conceptual point of view and create a fresher visual effect with natural materials like wood. It consists in a series of portraits of people transmitting a smooth and natural impact. Sometimes I work with more intelectual materials to convey complex ideas but this time I purely wanted to create a visual beauty , much more concrete. I wanted to refer ironically to the cubism visual art style and give it a modern neo -cubist touch. Sometimes we have to leave the constant processing of ideas in the art world and go back to the physical origins.


Iván Cantos.


PICTURES- Cayetana Llopis y ÁAA

INTERVIEW- Cayetana Llopis y ÁAA 




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